Karen Ziegler


Ms. Ziegler is a graduate of a business college where she excelled and won several coveted school awards.

She also worked within her family’s real estate development business creating several local development projects in Colorado that included a branded hotel, retail shops including a grocery store and residential home sites as well as other smaller projects.

Ms. Ziegler was an officer and director of a public company from September 2013 to December 2017 (resigned December 2017) and for many years participated in a variety of roles various businesses in farming and feedlot enterprises. These involved simultaneous projects for multiple residential developments, major water and sewer infrastructure improvement projects and multiple commercial development projects.

Ms. Ziegler has also served in several administrative activities in various oil and gas ventures.  In these capacities, she has performed analytical, accounting, cost projections, budgeting, scheduling and profit and loss analysis functions.